Spiran Lodge #98 is one of several hundred Vasa Order of America (VOA) lodges in the U.S., Canada, and Sweden. VOA is the largest Nordic-American, non-political, non-religious, cultural, fraternal, and educational organization for persons of Nordic descent in the U.S. It was founded by Swedish immigrants on September 18, 1896, in New Haven, Connecticut on the principles of GENEROSITY, TRUTH, AND UNITY.
Spiran Lodge #98 was chartered in 1906 and organized for the primary purpose of a sick-benefit society. Meetings were held twice a month in the Tavern, the present site of the Rockport Art Association. In 1917, the Lodge purchased the presently owned building at Broadway and School Street. Meetings were conducted in Swedish until 1949. In 1960, Vasa membership was extended by the Grand Lodge to include anyone who by birth, background or marriage is aligned with the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden). The late 1920s was the Golden Age of the Lodge. Many of the original members were still living and the time was right for fun and enjoyment: parades, pancake breakfasts, raising the May Pole, Midsommar Fest, and Jul Fest, a Nordic Christmas party. In the early 1970s, a new burst of interest occurred in the Lodge, and fundraising activities were started to enable the awarding of scholarship grants to local students.
Both then and today, many people realize that it is rewarding to find fellowship and fraternity in the common interest of their Nordic background, it is desirable and pleasurable to use their leisure time in their local Cape Ann community, people are interested in exploring their ethnic origins. The members of the lodge continue to have these interests today and welcome all who would like to join us!
Vasa Order of America
The Vasa Order of America began more than a century ago as a benefit fraternal society for Swedish immigrants to the United States. The Order is named for Gustav Vasa, who liberated the country in the 16th century and was the first king of modern Sweden. The name of Vasa reflects the Order’s roots as a Swedish American Fraternal Organization. Over the past 100+ years, many things have changed, and the Vasa Order has grown to meet the new needs of the Nordic American community.
Swedish in origin, the Vasa Order welcomes men and women over 14 years of age of Nordic roots (Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian or Swedish) and their spouses who would like to rediscover the traditions of their forefathers or share their Nordic heritage. The Vasa Order also welcomes individuals of non-Nordic ancestry who are interested in Nordic culture.
There are nearly three hundred lodges in the Vasa Order, governed by 19 district lodges in the United States, Canada and Sweden.