
Membership to Spiran Lodge and the Vasa Order is open to individuals over 14 years of age with Nordic roots (Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian or Swedish) and their spouses who would like to rediscover the traditions of their forefathers or share their Nordic heritage, as well as individuals of non-Nordic ancestry who are interested in Nordic culture.

To apply to join, please fill out our membership application and email it to Margaret Eklind at [email protected] or bring it to one of our regular meetings. If you are unable to email or print the form, you may also fill out a paper application at one of our meetings.

For further Spiran Lodge membership information, please contact Margaret Eklind at [email protected]. Membership is not limited to Cape Ann residents; part-time and full-time residents are welcome!


Lodge Meetings – 1st Friday of each month (except July and August) at Spiran Hall, 19 School St, Rockport, MA. Meetings begin at 7:00 pm except at 6:30 pm when a potluck dinner is scheduled.

Activities meetings are held at 7:00 pm on the 2nd or 3rd Wednesday of most months (except Jul, Aug and Dec).

Dues – $25/year, payable by January 1 of each year to Spiran Lodge #98, P.O. Box 98, Rockport, MA 01966

In case of illness, please notify any of the officers.

Notify the Secretary when changing address, phone number or email.

Please support your lodge and its officers by attending monthly meetings, participating in events, and volunteering for the positions required to provide members with annual cultural and fraternal activities.


Chairman: Herman Lilja
Secretary: Eric Rask
Financial Secretary: Greta Bagshaw
Treasurer: Dana “Buddy” Woods
Cultural Leader: Claire Franklin
Chaplain: Sarah Clark
Master of Ceremonies: Claire Franklin
Assistant M.C.: Peg Leeco
Past Chairman: Eric Rask
Webmaster: Andrew “Dru” Tarr
Sickness & Benefit: Judi Harris, Ann Lilja
Trustees: Lee Marr (chairman), Matthew Rask, Eric Rask, Sharon Jordan
Auditors: Susan Lovasco, Susan Marr
Gift Committee: Nancy Winslow
Membership Chair: Margaret Eklind